A handful of years ago, I said the following words while talking to my amazing group of writing friends. They stopped me and told me to write them down.
There’s a huge difference between “something is wrong with me” and “something wrong happened to me.” -Angela Giles Klocke
I was trauma-informed before I ever knew the words — obviously because I was well-versed in trauma and recovery. I’m so thankful I wrote it down then because my own words have helped me along the way. A photo print hangs in my office as a daily reminder that something is not wrong with me, something wrong happened to me.
Maybe it’ll help you, too.
I created this image in color a few years ago but recently realized B&W might be easier for if you want to print it. I am usually operating with black ink only, which I just realized means if this isn’t offered in black and white, you either might choose not to print it or it’ll suck up all your ink when you try to print in B&W. So, here’s a version that is more ink friendly.
It’ll print up to 8×10.

If you’d still like a color version: