-2020 I could hear a clock ticking that others could not. Tickticktickticktick… Time tick-tocking by, a decision that was coming, that needed to be made, that would cement the affirmations …
Burn the Boat
Writing IN my next chapter
2015 Me Knew What Was Up Writing my way to the next chapterOriginally appeared in the beautiful (closed) Mabel Magazine, 2015 The last time I definitively knew who I was, …
Don’t Make It Precious
Don’t Make Your Work/Art/Writing PreciousLetting Yourself StartLetting Go of Holding On -Originally written July 15, 2020. Re-sharing as a reminder to self, and a recommitment to my own work. Worse …
INFJ Thoughts in the Middle of Crisis
I’ve sat on this little story for a while because, well, I’m an INFJ with high empathy and harmony strengths with a very active “what if?” imagination who is loathe …