I’m a person in longterm recovery from trauma and mental health, so part of my healing after working through so many layers is re-discovering who I am. I have been …
Just Be 5: I’ll Go First
What it means to practice art
-2015 It has really only been in the last year that I have fully embraced the title of artist. Previously, I’d break it down to writer and/or photographer (depending on …
I’ll Write When the Kids Are Grown: The Story We Told Ourselves
When I first landed on the Internet scene in 1999, I quickly checked out the situation and, without (too much) fear or overthinking it, I launched my first writing endeavor …
Leap Year February Creativity Challenge
There are no rules. Just take the word and create art (photo, painting, drawing, poetry, writing in the sky) however you feel it — change it up every day. 1. …
See Differently
When you’re looking at the big picture, don’t miss the joy in the smaller details.
30-Day Colorful Creative Challenge
There are no rules. Just take the word and create art (photo, painting, drawing, poetry, writing in the sky) however you feel it — change it up every day. 1. …