
When you didn’t see me crying
Did you assume I didn’t care
Or did you know like I know
The crash would come later
Over the lack of junk food in the house
Or that I spilled my coffee
Or that I couldn’t get my slippers on right
Or that I hit my elbow twice in a row
Or that someone revved their engine late at night
Or that fireworks went off at 1:00 am
And I felt rage
When it was really grief screaming
Out from the void
Over the lack of control
When death knocks at the door
And takes the ones we love
Without asking
Like before
And before
And before…

Rest in peace to our Hailey (husky), who gave us 13+ beautifully silly and loving years. (She was 14+. She left us 6/14/24.)


I am a Colorado-based writer, speaker, coach, and photographer.

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