
I primarily work with female trauma survivors to help them own and share their stories, whether from a stage or for themselves. I am a shame slayer, warrior princess, and a survivor of complex trauma ready to journey with you as you learn just how strong you are!

Note: I am an independent coach and am open to contract work with other coaching agencies.

Have you ever been told any of the following?

“You’re just a bleeding heart.”

“You need to dial that energy back.”

“You think with your heart. You need to use your head.”

For years, I’ve heard variations of these statements, usually not meant as compliments or real encouragement. The words were meant as a judgement about how I approach people, situations, life. 

I do lead with my heart. In fact, my top 5 GallupStrengths are in the relationship domain: 

  • Developer
  • Positivity
  • Individualization
  • Empathy
  • Harmony

The truth is, when I received my 34 report and saw my top 5, I felt all those negative judgments come flying back at me. Gosh, how do I get a thing done? I wondered. Through my own coach, I was able to see not only the beauty in what I do naturally, but also how uniquely qualified I am with my high emotional intelligence.

Do you know your strengths?

We live in such a weakness-focused world that I bet you definitely know what you think your weaknesses are, am I right?

It changed my life when I learned my own strengths. I’m not kidding or trying to sell you on a big thing that isn’t really that big. I was able to accept myself and how I work, how I connect, and to remember that what I offer and who I am is beautiful and strong and smart.

Now I want to help YOU realize who you are, grow into the life you truly desire to live, and love your everyday life from a strengths-based perspective.

Coaching Packages Are Budget-Friendly … but let’s chat first.


Do you already know you’re ready and would you like to go on this journey together? Hire me today to be your coach and let’s step into your greatness.

After, take the CliftonStrengths assessment and let’s get started!

Note: Coaching is not counseling or therapy.

“Identifying my strengths was helpful, but without the coaching from Angela I would have only had half the picture. We unpacked how I currently operate in my strengths, how I can utilize them more and identified how I have used them in the past, even without realising what I was doing. There was so much healing that came from talking with Angela about painful parts of my story and relating them to my strengths and the way I am wired. With Angela’s help I realized that it is because of my strengths that I broke free of an abusive relationship. She even helped me understand how I entered that relationship in the first place, with the best of intentions. Through her coaching I felt like I was given permission to be myself and gained so much confidence in my unique strength set. This process has been absolutely life changing. I cannot recommend Angela highly enough. Her insights, coaching and encouragement are powerful.” -BMJ